Optimustrade and its developers take your privacy very seriously. Optimustrade uses no third-party analytics or advertising frameworks. Optimustrade logs no information on you and has no interest in doing such.
Optimustrade physically can’t. Optimustrade has nowhere to store it. Optimustrade don’t even have a server database to store it.
Optimustrade does not collect, transmit, distribute, or sell your data.
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Optimus Capital Management (Private) Limited is Pakistan’s leading stock brokerage and financial advisory company.
In case your complaint has not been properly redressed by us, you may lodge your complaint with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (the “SECP”). However, please note that SECP will entertain only those complaints which were at first directly requested to be redressed by the Company and the company has failed to redress the same. Further, the complaints that are not relevant to SECP’s regulatory domain/competence shall not be entertained.